And the Matrix could be very real, physicists and mathematicians tells us.

In “The Singularity is Near,” Ray Kurzweil suggested that we may be living in a computer simulation.
The Matrix film series is based on some very real theorizing by mathematicians and physicists.
The Kabbalah asserts that this physical universe is the end result of a number of emanations from Spirit. Somewhat similar to the hypothesis of the holographic universe as described by writer Michael Talbot in his book by the same name.
This all sounds a bit like the concept of maya, delusional reality, and the notion that consciouness precedes matter.
The deeper down the rabbit hole we go, the more mysterious:

It seems that math may be unreasonably effective for understanding the universe. Complex phenomena, simple rules.
The universe may be simpler than it looks. It may in fact contain almost no information. Tegmark and other physicists argue that the universe is isomorphic to a mathematical structure and we are currently uncovering all the information content incrementally. In this view, our mathematics is a mathematical structure approximating another mathematical structure, rather than a mathematical structure approximating a physical structure….
Many physicsts believe all possible universes exist. According to the teleological-sounding but theoretically elegant anthropic principle, only those universes which permit conscious observers to exist are observable. If our universe is indeed quite simple, it surely cannot be too simple, otherwise it would lack conscious observers to experience it. It would make much more sense if it were as simple as possible but still complex enough to harbor consciousness.

If all possible universes exist, then multiple timelines are possible, and thoughts “matter” quite literally.
I was just reading Buckminster Fuller’s 1969 book, Utopia or Oblivion, in which he asserts a kind of anthropic argument, namely that our purpose here is anti-entropic. Human thinking radiates some come of order that counteracts the entropic tendency of the physical universe.
Prescient or unfathomable due to his exceedingly long sentences with thoughts piled antientropically upon one another in order to maximize human potentiality through sequential regearing of meaningful verbiage, Bucky had a point.
And that all makes energy medicine a bit more fathomable in its effort to link matter and mind, to go a bit beyond the “mind-body medicine” concept appropriated by behavioral science, and more into the murk which, according to elegant mathematical questions, is really quite simple after all.
The Law Offices of Michael H. Cohen offers corporate legal services, litigation consultation, and expertise in health law with a unique focus on holistic, alternative, complementary, and integrative medical therapies. The law firm represents medical doctors, allied health professionals (from psychologists to nurses and dentists) and other clinicians (from chiropractors to naturopathic physicians, massage therapists, and acupuncturists), entrepreneurs, hospitals, and educational organizations, health care institutions, and individuals and corporations.

Michael H. Cohen is Principal in Law Offices of Michael H. Cohen and also President of the Institute for Integrative and Energy Medicine (also known as the Institute for Health, Ethics, Law, Policy & Society), exploring legal, regulatory, ethical, and health policy issues in the judicious integration of complementary and alternative medical therapies (such as acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, homeopathy, massage therapy, energy healing, and herbal medicine) and conventional clinical care. Michael H. Cohen is author of books on health care law, regulation, ethics and policy dealing with complementary, alternative and integrative medicine, including Healing at the Borderland of Medicine and Religion, Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Legal Boundaries and Regulatory Perspectives (1998), and Beyond Complementary Medicine: Legal and Ethical Perspectives on Health Care and Human Evolution (2000), and Future Medicine: Ethical Dilemmas, Regulatory Challenges, and Therapeutic Pathways to Health Care and Healing in Human Transformation (2003).

Health care and corporate lawyer Michael H. Cohen has been admitted to the Bar of California, Massachusetts, New York, and Washington D.C., and to the Bar of England and Wales as a Solicitor (non-practicing). For more information, see the FAQs for the Law Offices of Michael H. Cohen. Thank you for visiting the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Law Blog.